Revive Your Performance with Contrast Therapy
in Newport Beach, CA

What if…

… you could
lessen feelings of post-workout fatigue and aches and pains from overuse injuries returning your body to a performance-ready state in one hour???

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Hot/Cold Contrast Therapy in Newport Beach

What is Contrast Therapy?

A scientifically proven technique that uses contrasting temperatures to reduce inflammation and pain, improve recovery time, and increase performance.

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contrast therapy room in Newport Beach with tub and sauna

Can you imagine…

Imagine having confidence and ease in your daily activities AND those competitive outlets without always feeling sore, stiff and IN PAIN?

Click the button below to schedule your first session using our contrast therapy room in Newport Beach CA. Embark on a journey to a stronger, more resilient you.

Your body deserves it!

Contrast therapy sauna room in newport beach

Or, let me put it this way…

  • Have you not been able to play basketball because you’re dealing with low back pain? 

  • You aren’t able to hit the gym because of muscle soreness.

  • You enjoy a round of golf without that twinge in your shoulder after every swing.

  • You can’t practice yoga without ending up with aching joints.

If that sounds like you... keep reading.

Commit to improving your health and performance.

To get the most for your money, we offer contrast therapy packages!

5 star review for Contrast Therapy in Newport Beach Orange County. "Thank you Christine! I feel so refreshed and rejuvenated after doing contrast therapy. Thanks for being so welcoming and sharing your recovery knowledge with me!"
Client, Jordan flexing her muscles after a contrast therapy session in Newport Beach


“Contrast Therapy has been a game changer. I am able to recover faster and get back to lifting so I can hit my PRs the next day, every time.”

Frequently Asked Questions about Contrast Therapy:

  • YES! It has been a staple in the athletic community for years, and with incredibly successful athletes like Kobe Bryant (who was “religious” about using it before every game). Two studies conducted in 2007 showed that contrast bath therapy can also help decrease the lactic acid in your body, helping you recover from the soreness and fatigue of strenuous exercise. A 2017 meta-analysis of the research found that contrasting hot and cold baths helped team sports players recover from fatigue 24-48 hours after the game.

  • As you constantly alternate between hot and cold the theory is that the expanding and contracting blood vessels will create a “pump” and help circulate new blood quicker to repair used muscles. By improving your blood flow you can accelerate this delivery of crucial repairing cells, improving your recovery.

  • Yes! Numerous studies have found that contrast therapy helps with fatigue, blood circulation, lymphatic circulation, DOMs & pain. The rapid changes when going from hot to very cold pumps blood through your circulatory system faster. Your body adapts and becomes more efficient at nutrients & disposing of waste.

  • You’ll see benefits after the first session. As part of a total recovery package, continued use of contrast therapy will help you perform at your best.

  • Both! Contrast Therapy enhances the benefits of massage. They are great for muscle recovery and your nervous system.
    Every massage session comes with 30 minute os contrast therapy. Perfect for 1 full cycle.

  • Yes, bathing suits are required in the contrast bath. If you forget yours at home, don’t worry we have your back. A disposable bathing suit will be provided.

  • Only one person will be allowed in the room at a time.

  • It’s best to do schedule a session after a workout. If you workout includes heavy weight lifting you should schedule you session on a rest day, or at least 12 hours after your work out.

Take the plunge and visit our Contrast Therapy Room located in Newport Beach, Ca